Design to compete. Destined to explore.
at Singapore AUV Challenge

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Welcome to
SAUVC 2024 Singapore, April 5-8

Winners announced

SAUVC 2024 Winners

Final Rank Team ID Team Name Institute Location Qualifiers Rank
1 SG37 Bumblebee Autonomous Systems National University of Singapore 🇸🇬Singapore 21
2 IN64 Team ABYSS Bannari Amman Institute of Technology 🇮🇳Sathyamangalam, India 5
3 SG45 Mecatron Nanyang Technological University 🇸🇬Singapore 3
4 RU60 Hydronautics Bauman Moscow State Technical University 🇷🇺Moscow,Russia 2
5 TR44 ALESTA Adana Science High School 🇹🇷Adana, Turkey 1
6 IN91 HydroBots HAVOC KMEA Engineering College 🇮🇳Aluva, India 18
7 ID59 Banyubramanta ITS Sepuluh Nopember Institute Of Technology 🇮🇩Surabaya, Indonesia 12
8 IN74 Kurma Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee 🇮🇳Roorkee, India 10
9 ID15 N4 AUV IPB University 🇮🇩Bogor, Indonesia 17
10 HK24 Manta Ray The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 🇭🇰Hong Kong 20
11 LK10 Team Diyakawa University of Moratuwa 🇱🇰Moratuwa,Sri Lanka 19
12 HK42 CityU Underwater Robotics - PIONEER City University of Hong Kong 🇭🇰Hong Kong 16
13 SG32 Hornet9.0 National University of Singapore 🇸🇬Singapore 15
14 ID16 HYDROships Shipbuilding Institute of Polytechnic Surabaya 🇮🇩Surabaya,Indonesia 14
15 ID14 N5 AUV IPB University 🇮🇩Bogor, Indonesia 13
16 IN02 Team Nirma AUV Institute of Technology - Nirma University 🇮🇳Ahmedabad, India 11
17 SG30 SUwUtd Singapore University of Technology and Design 🇸🇬Singapore 8
18 IN86 Edhitha UAS M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology 🇮🇳Bangalore, India 7
19 BD75 IUB Bongomarine Independent University 🇧🇩Dhaka, Bangladesh 6
20 IN71 Oceanic Seekers KMEA Engineering College 🇮🇳Aluva, India 4
21 IN08 Team Amogh Indian Institute of Technology Madras 🇮🇳Chennai, India 9
Team ID Team Name Institute Location
BD75 IUB Bongomarine Independent University 🇧🇩Dhaka, Bangladesh
CN25 Xing Hun Harbin Engineering University 🇨🇳Harbin, China
HK24 Manta Ray The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 🇭🇰Hong Kong
HK42 CityU Underwater Robotics - PIONEER City University of Hong Kong 🇭🇰Hong Kong
HK50 PolyU EEE AUV Team The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 🇭🇰Hong Kong
ID05 FIToplankton Telkom University 🇮🇩Bandung, Indonesia
ID14 N5 AUV IPB University 🇮🇩Bogor, Indonesia
ID15 N4 AUV IPB University 🇮🇩Bogor, Indonesia
ID16 HYDROships Shipbuilding Institute of Polytechnic Surabaya 🇮🇩Surabaya,Indonesia
ID38 AMV UI Universitas Indonesia 🇮🇩Depok, Indonesia
ID59 Banyubramanta ITS Sepuluh Nopember Institute Of Technology 🇮🇩Surabaya, Indonesia
IN02 Team Nirma AUV Institute of Technology - Nirma University 🇮🇳Ahmedabad, India
IN03 AQUABOT U. V. Patel College of Engineering - Ganpat University 🇮🇳Gozaria, India
IN08 Team Amogh Indian Institute of Technology Madras 🇮🇳Chennai, India
IN12 AUV IITK Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 🇮🇳Kanpur,India
IN29 Team Tiburon National Institute of Technology Rourkela 🇮🇳Rourkela, India
IN40 AUV-IITB Indian Institute of Technology Bombay 🇮🇳Mumbai, India
IN47 Team Saaral IIITDM Kancheepuram 🇮🇳Chennai,India
IN49 Team DiVE Nirma University 🇮🇳Ahmedabad, India
IN54 Team Varuna Sairam Institutions 🇮🇳Chennai, India
IN55 MU - Makara Mahindra University 🇮🇳Hyderabad, India
IN64 Team ABYSS Bannari Amman Institute of Technology 🇮🇳Sathyamangalam, India
IN65 Team MYSTUS 2.0 Bannari Amman Institute of Technology 🇮🇳Sathyamangalam, India
IN71 Oceanic Seekers KMEA Engineering College 🇮🇳Aluva, India
IN74 Kurma Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee 🇮🇳Roorkee, India
IN86 Edhitha UAS M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology 🇮🇳Bangalore, India
IN90 MU - Makara 2 Mahindra University 🇮🇳Hyderabad, India
IN91 HydroBots HAVOC KMEA Engineering College 🇮🇳Aluva, India
JP04 Kyutech Underwater Robotics Kyushu Institute of Technology 🇯🇵Fukuoka,Japan
LK10 Team Diyakawa University of Moratuwa 🇱🇰Moratuwa,Sri Lanka
MY63 NAVAL UMT Universiti Malaysia Terengganu 🇲🇾Terengganu,Malaysia
RU21 FEFU AUV Far Eastern Federal University 🇷🇺Vladivostok, Russia
RU60 Hydronautics Bauman Moscow State Technical University 🇷🇺Moscow,Russia
RU62 Hydronautics - SeveROV Bauman Moscow State Technical University 🇷🇺Moscow,Russia
SA72 AquaDrag King Abdulaziz University 🇸🇦Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
SG30 SUwUtd Singapore University of Technology and Design 🇸🇬Singapore
SG31 SP AUV Singapore Polytechnic 🇸🇬Singapore
SG32 Hornet9.0 National University of Singapore 🇸🇬Singapore
SG37 Bumblebee Autonomous Systems National University of Singapore 🇸🇬Singapore
SG45 Mecatron Nanyang Technological University 🇸🇬Singapore
TR44 ALESTA Adana Science High School 🇹🇷Adana, Turkey
TR58 Creatiny AUV Karadeniz Technical University 🇹🇷Trabzon, Turkey
TW77 NYCU ORCA AUV National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University 🇹🇼Hsinchu City,Taiwan


The SAUVC competition challenges participant teams to build an AUV which can perform given tasks. These tasks are simulations of tasks operational AUVs would have to be able to perform. The competition is held in a swimming pool and each team's AUV will have to perform 4 tasks. The speed and accuracy at which the AUV performs tasks will be used to decide the winner of the competition.

The tasks involve four widely faced challenges underwater such as AUV navigation, visual identification, acoustic localization and robotic manipulation.

Detailed explanation of the various tasks of the competition and rules are in the Rulebook v5.0.

The competition is open to participants from all over the world. A team may consist of up to 11 participants including faculty supervisors. At least half of the participants must be non-professionals (students, hobbyists, hackerspace members, etc) at the time of registration.


Day 1: 5 April 2024 (Friday)

09:00 - 11:00

Team Registration & Vehicle Setup

The Hall
11:00 - 12:00

Welcome Address

Safety & Administrative Briefing

Competition Rules and Regulations Briefing

The Hall
12:00 - 12:00

Technical Walkabout and Innovation award judging

The Hall
13:00 - 17:30

Team Practice and Testing Rounds

Small Pool
17:30 - 18:30

Team Pack-up

Teams may carry their AUVs or choose to leave them in the hall on their allotted tables.

Small Pool/The Hall

Day 2: 6 April 2024 (Saturday)

08:45 - 09:00

Team arrival and preparations

9:00 - 18:00

Team Qualification Rounds

Team Photographs

Each team given a slot based on the ballot system.

Qualification Arena
9:20 - 18:00

Team Practice Rounds

Time slots for dummy props post qualification run, as allocated by slot manager.

Main Arena
12:00 - 13:30


Pool Side
18:00 - 18:30

Team Pack-up

Teams may carry their AUVs or choose to leave them in the hall on their allotted tables.

Pool Side/The Hall

Day 3: 7 April 2024 (Sunday)

08:00 - 08:15

Team arrival and preparations

09:00 - 17:30

Competition Rounds

Team Photographs

Main Arena
12:00 - 13:30


Pool Side
17:30 - 18:00

Team Pack-Up

Teams to carry their vehicles back from the venue

Pool Side

Day 4: 8 April 2024 (Monday)

08:45 - 09:00

Team arrival and preparations

09:00 - 10:00

Opening Address, safety briefing and game briefing

10:00 - 10.45

Bonus Round - Team 1

10:45 - 11:30

Bonus Round - Team 2

11:00 - 13:00

Lunch boxes distributed to teams

11:30 - 12:15

Bonus Round - Team 3

12:15 - 13:00

Bonus Round - Team 4

13:00 - 13:45

Bonus Round - Team 5

13:45 - 14:30

Team Pack-Up

Teams to carry their vehicles back from the venue

16:00 - 17:00

Teams arrive at Musicbox, Ngee Ann polytechnic

Musicbox at Ngee Ann Polytechnic
17:00 - 17:50

Team participation certifications presented

Musicbox at Ngee Ann Polytechnic
17:50 - 18:00

Video from Schmidt Ocean Institute and introducing Berths of opportunity

Musicbox at Ngee Ann Polytechnic
18:00 - 18:50

Panel discussion - Marine robotics and sciences for the next generation during the UN Decade of Ocean Sciences

Musicbox at Ngee Ann Polytechnic
18:50 - 19:20

Closing comments, Prize announcements, overall photo

Musicbox at Ngee Ann Polytechnic
19:20 - 21:30


Musicbox at Ngee Ann Polytechnic




Singapore Polytechnic
500 Dover Road
Singapore 139651



We are very grateful and would like to say a big Thank You to all the sponsors of SAUVC over the years.

We are currently looking for sponsors for SAUVC 2024. Interested in encouraging underwater robotics? Contact us through our website

Contact us